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ACUPUNCTURE: from the millennial Chinese tradition to new western knowledge, a way to take care of your health.

Acupuncture is a painless physical stimulation technique that involves the use of sterile and disposable needles of variable thickness from 0.15 to 0.40 mm and of variable length. The needles are fixtures in specific points of the body known for thousands of years, skin locations with less impedance and greater electrical conductance. The insertion depth ranges from a few millimeters in the peripheral points of the body (feet, wrist, fingers) to one or two centimeters in the deeper muscle points (eg gluteus).

In Italy, only a doctor registered in the Register of Physicians and Surgeons and who has attended a course of at least 3 years recognized by the Italian Federation of Acupuncture can practice Acupuncture.

The advantage of acupuncture treatment is that, without the use of drugs, an endogenous response is stimulated by acting on our nervous system and that this effect is maintained for a long time after the end of the sessions.

Acupuncture is a healing technique with ancient origins , we speak of 4000 BC, the first doctor was Bian Que (500 BC), while the oldest text is the "Classic of Internal Medicine of the Yellow Emperor" (475-221 BC) , is part of what are called Natural Medicines, that is, medicines that consider the person as an integrated mind-body being and disease as a break in the harmony and balance of the forces that keep him alive.

Acupuncture relates all the somatic, psychic and environmental factors that can be the cause of a disorder: it evaluates and tries to treat not only the symptoms, but the cause that generated it by treating the global state of the person, was born as preventive medicine , in order to strengthen our body and make it ready for attacks that it can receive from the outside .

The "state of health" is seen as a continuous search for balance through nutrition, a right way of dealing with the situations that life offers us and exercise.

Traditional acupuncture is an energetic acupuncture where the pathology is seen as an interruption of the flow of Qì (energy) and to be able to cure it is necessary to remove this interruption and promote the flow of Qì and was born as preventive medicine, with the aim of strengthen our organism and make it ready for attacks that it can receive from the outside.

In fact, he could be considered a good acupuncturist who, through needles, nutrition, physical and spiritual exercise, did not make a patient sick before he reached 30 years of age.

The translation of traditional acupuncture into a scientific version was started by the Chinese with the publication of a book in 1975 and then continued and is still very active with thousands of scientific works that are published all over the world.

Thus was born the acupuncture reflexotherapy or the study and practice of acupuncture according to scientific medicine , maintaining the approach based on physiology, general pathology and the clinic proper to official medicine. The choice of the points to stimulate also takes place according to evidence based medicine or, if structured knowledge is not yet available, empirical knowledge derived from the scientific translation of traditional medicine is used.

What I try to do is starting from the millennial tradition of the traditional acupuncture of Traditional Chinese Medicine and evaluating the latest studies on acupuncture thanks to Evidence Based Medicine (Medicine based on Evidence, that is on scientific studies) to treat the various pathologies with an approach integrated without neglecting any aspect and using combinations of points of both methods .

In this way, it is not only possible to treat each individual patient individually, but also to treat and try to resolve not so much the effect or symptom, as the cause that triggered it, the only strategy for effective and lasting care.

Acupuncture is therefore an effective therapeutic tool both in those who prefer a holistic aspect to treatment and in those who turn to western medicine and have obtained little results or have problems with taking medications, but want a purely medical-scientific approach.

" Health and well-being can only be achieved by staying centered in the spirit, guarding against the waste of energy, promoting the constant flow of Qi (energy) and blood, maintaining a harmonious balance between Yin and Yang (opposites), adapting to changing seasons and reinforcing oneself preventively. This is the way to a long and happy life "

Neijing Suwen

  • Acupuncture

  • moxibustion

  • Acupressure

  • electroacupuncture

  • Auriculotherapy

  • Auricular neuromodulation

  • Abdominal Acupuncture

  • Aesthetic Acupuncture

  • Anti-Smoking Acupuncture

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